Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Different Mother's Day Card

For all the Mommies out there who are missing babies...

Dear Mommy,
I love you.  
I can't wait to see you again.  Heaven is so pretty.  You're going to love it.
I asked God why you've been sad and he said it's because you miss me.  I didn't understand that and God said that I don't understand "miss" because I'm in Heaven.  He said that on earth when a mommy loves her baby as much as you love me and I'm not there for you to give me hugs and kisses that is calling "missing".  God said that missing can hurt your heart and that makes you cry.  Mommy, I don't understand missing, but I know about love and I love you just as much!
God told me not to say, "don't be sad."  He said "That's easier said than done.", whatever that means.  So, instead, please don't feel bad when you laugh or smile.  I love to hear you laugh - it sounds prettier than when I was in your belly.  And you're so beautiful when you smile.  Your smile makes me smile.
Someday we will be together and you won't miss any more.  And, we'll be together with God.  It's going to be great!
I love you, Mommy!

This is to all the Mommies who are facing the first Mother's Day with her baby.  And to all the other Mommies who hold the same sadness year after year.  You are all in my prayers, especially on this Mother's Day weekend.

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