Monday, July 9, 2012

Long time no blog...

Hey there!  It's me, Divinity Diva.  Allow me to reintroduce myself.  I'm the mommy with the Master of Divinity degree and I've been a slacker as of late.

Here's the skinny...looks like we're not moving.  :(  However, my hubby's employer reinstated funding for his position.  That's very, very good news!  :)

The past few months have been really stressful.  The uncertainty of where we would live and how we would support ourselves took its toll.  I can only take so much stress and it impacts every part of my life: relationships, prayer, etc.  My husband's a teacher and once his summer vacation started, I went on vacation, too.  I needed to take a step back from all the craziness, all the worry, all the uncertainty and just chill out.

I've chilled out and made some decisions: no more home business, focus on writing, finish a few knitting/sewing/quilting projects that have been lying around, and get back to my terribly neglected blog.

While the chilling out help me to catch up on sleep, it didn't solve the questions looming over our heads.  We are still looking to move and we don't know where or when that will be.  Today's first reading from the Prophet Hosea (2:16) is like a balm to my sore soul.

Thus says the LORD:
I will allure her;
I will lead her into the desert
and speak to her heart.

Sometimes, it's hard to see God when life gets rough or I feel like I'm in the desert.  God is there, waiting, even in the desert.

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